travelling alone can often we disk especially if you are travelling to a foreign country there are chances to that you might get through or run in a trouble if you are alone you cannot immediately reach out for help on the other hand group travel offers you safety and immediate help
group travel can give you chance to meet people and make new friends you will meet individual who are also passionate about travel and may have experienced that the similar to your own and even if we don't immediately you will soon create some during the trip
be aware of everything going on around you because if you begin to feel uncomfortable in a situation it can provide you with a little bit of time and the opportunity to get out of the situation before something bad happens.
always listen to your instincts, they may just save your life.
worsening cough and sore throat.
labored breathing.
greater hoarseness and difficulty speaking above a whisper.
nausea and vomiting.
bone and joint pain.
bleeding in the esophagus, which can lead to blood in the digestive tract and stool.
I want to say From the age 1 1/2 to the age 3 1/2 but I’m not sure