c. Very similar primary and tertiary structures.
They both are globular proteins, having oxygen binding sites also named as heme groups. Number of chains are different, as hemoglobin contains 4 polypeptide chains whereas myoglobin contains only one polypeptide chain. But structures and sequences are somewhat similar.
Unless there is more information missing from this passage; the quality of soil will increase as sustainability increases. With a lack of additions from foreign substances, the earth shall regain its initial strength to grow whatever crop.
Lubricants, Magnetic Levitation, Ball Bearing
Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull Volcano
Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull Volcano eruption happened on March 20, 2010. It consisted of different stages:
- The first eruption happened in an ice-free area (1660 m high), this eruption was little but it produced lava.
- The next phase of the eruption, on 14 April, produced a 2.5 km wide caldera under the ice cap. This led to the melting of such ice, flooding the southern region, 800 people were evacuated. During this phase, the interaction between magma with water created a plume of volcanic ash and gas of over 10 km. This lasted from April 15th to April 21st.
Even though the eruption itself wasn't that big, the melting ice that flooded the surrounded area and the ashes column that blocked the air paths for almost a week, converted this event into one of the most disastrous eruptions.
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!
Un terremoto[1] (del latín terraemōtus, a partir de terra, «tierra», y motus, «movimiento»), también llamado sismo, seísmo (del francés séisme, derivado del griego σ [seismós]),[2]