The people grant power to a government for the well-being of all
This theory is one of the speculations that originated. It has been raised since the time of the critics of Greece, yet it has got acknowledgment in the hands of the incredible trio. The name of these extraordinary savants was – John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean Jacques Rousseau.
It expresses that the conditions in the condition of nature sooner or it became terrible, and to happen to this circumstance, the individuals entered themselves into an agreement, and as indicated by this agreement, the individuals will give up some piece of their entitlement to the sovereign.
When driving down the highway and one sees or reads a sign that states, "Save the planet—don’t litter." The technique of policy enactment being used is hortatory.
A hortatory technique is focused on encouraging, exhorting and urging people to do that which is right, acceptable and worthy of emulation by others.
In this scenario, commuters and road users are being urged not to litter the highway with thrash, waste, or dirt, in order to protect the planet from environmental degradation and pollution. This would help in conserving and mitigating risks posing as a threat to our dear planet and habitat.
Hence, a hortatory technique in policy implementation and enactment is primarily aimed at appealing to the sense and conscience of individuals, to engage in socially responsible acts.
D. Air pollution is not as much of a problem there
The forms of logic required by Piagetian tasks are heavily influenced by training, context and cultural conditions.
Most of the cross-cultural studies regarding Piaget's theory are similar, centering on the idea that an individual's operational development is highly influenced by various cultural conditions.
Piagetian tasks are used to measure an individual's cognitive development, primarily children and adolescents. These require a certain logic which, according to the cross-cultural research, do get influenced by training and the child's context since those factors help develop the child.
Answer: borrow money, establish uniform rule of naturalization, coin money, regulate commerce with foreign nations, establish post offices, declare war