cognitive-developmental theorists
The cognitive development refers to the development of the thought processes and thinking ability of an individual. The cognitive development also helps people to understand and interact with the world.
The theory of cognitive development was developed by Piaget.
As a child grows, he learns to differentiate between what is good and what is bad. The child learns to think morally and searches for the moral truth.
Thus a child who is wondering about the right and the wrong searches for the moral truth is endorsed by the approach of the cognitive-developmental theorists.
All organisms grow, develop, and reproduce. Some organisms reproduce on their own, producing an identical offspring through asexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction two parents combine their DNA to produce genetically unique offspring.
In asexual reproduction, what is produced is basically a clone. Since the organism is reproducing using only its own genetic material, no combination happens. The new organism is genetically identical to its parent. Examples of organisms that reproduce this way are bacteria and hydras.
On the other hand, sexual reproduction produces individuals that are genetically different from their parents. Part of their genetic material comes from their father, and the other part from their mother. That is the case with humans, for example. A DNA test can show you are your parents' son or daughter because part of your material comes from each of them.
Exposure therapies involve replacing a negative response with a positive response, whereas aversive conditioning involves replacing a positive response with a negative response.
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