<em><u>The answer is</u></em>: <u>How to reduce air pollution outside: in 7 ways. How to take care of indoor air quality: in 9 ways.</u>
Reducing air pollution requires a lot of work of all kinds, but we can also contribute from our personal activity.
A) <u>How to reduce outdoor air pollution</u>:
1.- Use of public transport and use of the private car only when it is completely necessary. Or, share private cars between several people. The fewer cars, the less emissions.
2.- Choose, when buying the car, a model of low energy consumption.
3.- Carry out an annual review of the car to verify that the vehicle does not contaminate more than allowed. A car in good condition will always pollute less.
4.- Of course, any displacement that can be done by bicycle or walking is less polluting than any car.
5.- Recycling not only decreases the amount of garbage on the planet, it also helps to keep the air cleaner: resources are used and that way the manufacturing processes that generate gases harmful to the atmosphere are considerably reduced.
6.- Use spirits taking care that they are environmentally friendly and do not generate greenhouse gases.
7.- Take care of the green areas of the cities: many or few, they function as the oxygen lung of the urban centers. They do not generate as much oxygen as in the field, but they can help absorb CO2.
B) <u>How to take care of indoor air quality</u>:
1.- Use energy saving light bulbs: with this you will be able to have the same light through the use of efficient energy.
2.- Do not waste water: showering and not bathing, having a double discharge system in the bathroom cistern or closing the taps when you are not using the water.
3.- Consume sustainable products and reduce meat in the diet, it is a way to create food overproduction and, therefore, to reduce emissions.
4.- Ventilate the house daily. Although it seems obvious, adequate ventilation is very important to improve indoor air quality.
5.- Having indoor plants helps to renew the air naturally and effectively.
6.- Do not smoke indoors and go out to the terrace.
7.- When cooking, especially if food is fried, ventilate the kitchen well by opening the windows and use smoke extractors, since the frying produces a great contamination of the domestic air.
8.- Using air purifiers is highly recommended to clean the environment and make it healthier.
9.- In summer, use the air conditioning rationally if you have it. Find the exact temperature to keep the house cool and do not abuse its use, since it consumes a lot of energy.
<em><u>The answer is</u></em>: <u>How to reduce air pollution outside: in 7 ways. How to take care of indoor air quality: in 9 ways.</u>