A voilent protest, threats towards a school or a threat to a federal ran business such as a post office some banks police station etc.
I believe it's B.
You'll see in the history books how unfair the British treated the colonists.
Napoleon the III (named Charles Louis Napoleon) became emperor in 1852.
In November of that year, the Prince-President asked the French to accept the return of the Imperial regime, and with a referendum coming out in favor of this, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor Napoleon III.
a is farmers, b is hunter-gatherers, c is farmers and d is hunter-gatherers
Clause 38 of the Magna Card says as follows : In future no official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it. The Magna Carta is a cedula that King Juan "without land" of England granted to the English nobles in which he undertook to respect the privileges and immunities of the nobility.