Bsbsnsnsnsn jajwjemoeododhdhdw whajsjshtzzvsssnxbba. 3
Step One - problem/opportunity identification (V)
Step Two - Analysis (III)
Step Three - Design (II)
Step Four - Development (I)
Step Five - Testing and Installation (IV)
In the field of software development, or systems engineering, SDLC which refers to software development cycle refers to a systematic way of building software applications, it shows unique stages with the outcome of each stage dependent on the previous, step has a unique task which range from the planning, analysis, development, testing and installation of the information system.
Thats good
Thanks for the points~! ;)
Google uses automated programs called spiders or crawlers, just like most search engines, to help generate its search results. Google has a large index of keywords that help determine search results. ... Google uses a trademarked algorithm called PageRank, which assigns each Web page a relevancy score.