we dont have to expect , the technology are effective , as each day the technology are being advance and developed day by day. each day the technology are being more and more effective. they are effective now and they will be effective in future too
Obtaining a college degree= while this is nice, you can get a lot of placed with just a GED or Highschool Degree
pursuing self-directed learning=this will help you
showing professional behavior= yes this helps a lot
setting long-term goals= this could help you in the end game
Overall, i think it would be between B and C, though C sounds correct over B because even if you pursue self directed learning, you could still get fired or quit or not get a promotion.
The main advantage is the security, the pan is a personal network of one or two person so there is no risk of any leak of data, best way to share resources each other via bluetooth
=b2 b3-b4 or something close to that, I hope this helps ^^
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
This program is written in C++.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string word;// variable for taking user input
int cond;// to set condition true if user preses the stop and exit from loop
cout<<"Enter word: \n";
do// start while loop
if(word=="stop" || word =="STOP" || word == "Stop")// if user enter word stop, then program exit
else//otherwise loop continue
cout<<" You Entered "+ word +"\n";
cout<<"Enter word: \n";
while(cond == 1);// if user don't enter word "stop" loop run continuesly.
cout<<"Program exit";
return 0;