External computer components connect to the motherboard through a series of ports on the computer case. Many components have their own dedicated port connections, such as those to connect audio equipment or the computer monitor. Others may share a single type of connector, such as the USB, that connects everything from keyboards and mice to game pads and external hard drives. there
i looked it up When was the Ethics Resource Center (ERC) established?
The name of the components of the given labelled circuit is:
The box like figure in the given image is the battery source from where the current drawn into the circuit.
A string connecting positive terminal of battery to the bulb is an electric wire through which current flows in the circuit.
A bubble like object in the circuit is a bulb which lights up when current moves through the circuit.
A component connected to the negative terminal of batter source is a switch.
Then open circuit is an open as the key of the switch is open.
A . Business strategies include long-term business plans, while business models include plans for daily business functions
An observation: Java does not support true multi-dimensional arrays; rather, it supports 1-dimensional arrays, where each element can itself be another 1-dimensional array. The difference is the way memory is allocated, where a[i][j] differs from a[i,j].