they didnt have the neccesary stuff
They were attempting to combat monopolies in order to end the continuing shortage of food in Paris. This is because there was an idea that profiteers were manipulating the marketplace by charging abnormally high prices of grain. Therefore the committee of public safety passed the decree against profiteers.
If you are asking about the first president of the United States, the answer is George Washington.
<span>I am the LORD thy God.
No other gods before me.
No graven images or likenesses.
Not take the LORD's name in vain.
Remember the sabbath day.
Honour thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not kill.
<span>Thou shalt not commit adultery.</span></span>
<span>Alcohol was prohibited in the United States throughout the 1920s, beginning on January 17, 1920. The 1925 Scopes Trial in the United States was about the teaching of evolutionism versus creationism in schools, with William Jennings Bryan arguing on behalf of creationism, and Clarence Darrow representing John Thomas Scopes in defense of evolutionism. The Wall Street Crash in October of 1929 began the Great Depression in the United States.</span>