This quote is about hope and liberty.
"The happy Union of these States is a wonder; their Constitution a miracle; their example the hope of Liberty throughout the world. Woe to the ambition that would meditate the destruction of either!"
James Madison
True or false The latifundia system is considered an obstacle to development in Latin America
Your answer for this is true.
William Howard became the only man in history to hold the highest post in both executive and judical branches in the U.S government.
The 16th amendment is an amendment that allows the federal government to levy an imcome tax from all americans.
The 17th amendment is important because it allowed the people of each state to choose who would represent the state in the U.S.
The Clayton Antitrust Act is an amendment passed by the U.S. Congress in 1914 that provides further clarification and substance to the Sherman Abtitrust Act.
The Federal Reserve Act was created by the congress to to provide a safer,more flexible,and more stable monetary and financail system.
Developed in the Baroque Era, the theory of
tonal center or key.
is a sense or pull towards a tonality
The common law system is based on tradition, precedent and custom.