After rice and wheat, the potato is the third most important crop in the world, rich in carbohydrates and also as a source of starch. ... Dry, gritty native potatoes have components such as iron and zinc and better protein levels.
For the Mesoamerican peoples, maize not only constituted the food on which their day-to-day subsistence depended –and for this reason, it was the central axis of their economy–, but a link had been established with it that was so deep that in the cycle vital grain those peoples recognized their own.
It was taken from another page, so I hope it helps you... greetings!!!
The United States has not yet officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. Indeed, although many American leading personalities, associations, U.S. States and institutions have done so, the U.S. Congress, mostly because of pressure from the executive branch, itself under Turkish pressure, has not legislated on that matter. The reasons why some, particularly among the executive branch, and usually including the President and the Secretary of State themselves, have blocked any progress of official recognition are mostly—although not only—geopolitical. The main idea against such opposition is the preservation of Turkey, traditionally and still today perceived as a major ally, and therefore the protection of U.S. geostrategic, geoeconomic, and diplomatic interests.
hope it helps you and give me a brainliest
back to Spain that's were they think it's safe