Well add them all up. : 10+15+8+7=40. There are 8 white balls out of 40. 8/40. Find the GCF of them both and simplify them.
8=8 so 8/8 = 1
40=8 so 40/8 = 5 so 1/5 is your answer.
B. is your answer.
Hoped I helped!
She should select an industrial society (industrial population)
Step-by-step explanation:
An industrial society is a society that owes its operations to the use of technology which supports human usage of resources that allows high production turnouts.
An industrial society has high liking le preference for large population with a high capacity for external energy sources (e.g.fossil fuels) which in directly or indirectly increases the rate which resources are being used and also scale of production.
The resources could be human (labour) natural resources such as water, air, coal, natural gas, coal, etc. and it could also be technology advancements.
That's your answer.
A number is prime if its only divisors are 1 and the number itself.
Out of your numbers, 36 and 38 are even, and thus divisible by 2, so they aren't prime.
Similarly, 35 ends with 5, so it's divisible by 5, and is not prime.
37 is divisible only by 1 and 37, and thus it's prime.
It would be 961 x (1-3.2(24)) and that would be 961(.232)= 222.952