Anthropologists call their relationship "clientage".
Clientage is a type of relationship that exists in the Radch. Customers offer their reliability and administrations as a byproduct of budgetary help and renown of their support's well off house. Clientage is a standout amongst the most imperative social connections for a Radchaai, seen as a type of affection, and incorporates an official contract made in the Temple of Amaat. Customers from a low social foundation may confront bits of gossip about having bowed to their support.
Colonies existed for the benefit of a mother country. spreading European culture to other nations helped the less advanced
Serving until his death in May 1964, Nehru remains India's longest-serving prime minister. He was succeeded by fellow Congressman Lal Bahadur Shastri, whose 1 year 7-month term also ended in death.
The elements of this, and any other, contract include consideration
b) consideration.
Offer, consideration and acceptance are three main elements of legally binding contract.
The contracts are of two different kinds.
I) Fixed price contracts
II) Cost-reimbursement contracts
The contracts are used separately or in combination with one another. According to consideration, the contract accepts to repave fabricated parking lot for which Fabricated agrees to pay.
According to cost-reimbursement contract, the contractor is paid for all of its allowed expenses to a set limit.