Sí, porque Australia es una isla separada en Oceanía, la mayor parte de Australia se encuentra en los trópicos. Australia es la parte más caliente de la tierra en el hemisferio sur, que tiene un clima desértico semidesértico. Al Norte, este, sur-este y sur-oeste semidesérticos pasan a sabanas
.dan paso a bosques de eucaliptos, palmeras. helechos arborescentes a lo largo de las orillas y en las montañas. La fauna australiana se adapta mejor a este tipo de animal.
Allí viven varios animales marsupiales (Canguro, ardilla trepadora, rata trepadora (Koala o oso australiano), ornitorrinco y animales salvajes)
Mutualism is the symbiosis when both are benefited !!
Haploid; reproductive
After the halving of chromosomes, the cell becomes a haploid and this is done for gametes, or reproductive cells.
The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in the digestive process and this helps in the breaking down of food during digestion. Acidity is responsible for ulcer, dyspepsia, heartburn and the formulation of the ulcer. One way to experiment on how the acid is neutralized is by using vinegar and starch.
In the case of the algae, each individual cell is responsible for absorbing its own water. This makes the algae nonvascular compared to the highly vascular plant species. In this connection, algae also lack several key structures that are normally present in ordinary plants like the leaves, roots and stem.