symptoms of COPD:
shortness of breath
chronic cough
chest pressure
frequent respiratory infections
symptoms of diabetes mellitus:
frequent urination
excessive thirst
extreme hunger
weight loss
dry skin
symptoms of anxiety:
breathing rapidly(hyperventilation)
feeling nervous,restless or tense
Answer: a) true
The adults will aim to get employed in near future or if they are employed then they may require the workplace to have fitness equipment so that that negligence pose to fitness can be taken into consideration and a major concern by each employed person. A small time routine exercise at work place can also give good results. This will help in boosting stamina in the body and energize the body to perform daily physical and mental tasks.
Do you have any answer choices ?
Intimacy in every aspect of a relationship is key. Ranging from honesty/transparency with your partner, your sexual life with your partner, or when you guys hang out alone and others, it is important to show to the other that you care, are intimate/honest/open with them, and show them that you love them if it is very serious