It can be found on View tab.
The view tab on Microsoft Power point is the 9th tab when counting from the left. When clicked, the view tab displays a number of tools that are aimed at visualizing how slides appear.
The ruler function is one of those tools. It is used to ensure that an object is placed or appears at a specific location in the slides. The ruler tool can be found in the Show Box which is the third box from left after Presentation View and Master View.
Programmers can take advantage of abstraction to focus on specific tasks.
When we excel in some subjects, we can do abstraction in that subject. Abstraction means you understand by the term, and you do not need details of that term. Like you say some tasks will be done by a graphic designer as a project manager, and you do not need to understand at that point what he will be doing, and that is because you can write in a word or few what is going to be the outcome. And hence, the programmers can take advantage of abstraction to focus on specific tasks. And this is the correct option.
Answer: E. Never
geometric average return can NEVER exceed the arithmetic average return for a given set of returns
The arithmetic average return is always higher than the other average return measure called the geometric average return. The arithmetic return ignores the compounding effect and order of returns and it is misleading when the investment returns are volatile.
Arithmetic returns are the everyday calculation of the average. You take the series of returns (in this case, annual figures), add them up, and then divide the total by the number of returns in the series. Geometric returns (also called compound returns) involve slightly more complicated maths.