In geology, a graded bed is one characterized by a systematic change in grain or clast size from one side of the bed to the other. Most commonly this takes the form of normal grading, with coarser sediments at the base, which grade upward into progressively finer onesI just learned about this in our rocks and minerals unit for science,
Wind energy
Hydro power energy
Geothermal energy
Solar energy
Ionic bonding When metals react with non-metals, electrons are transferred from the metal atoms to the non-metal atoms, forming ions . The resulting compound is called an ionic compound .
A marine layer is an air mass which develops over the surface of a large body of water such as the ocean or large lake in the presence of a temperature inversion. ... As it cools, the surface air becomes denser than the warmer air above it, and thus becomes trapped below it.
Lytic infection is a kind of infection, which results in the bursting of a cell. During the lytic cycle, the infected cell and its membrane is being destructed. Therefore, during a lytic infection, the host cell is destroyed when it burst. The word lysis means the disintegration of a cell by rupture.