New Deal legislation solved the economic crisis quickly.
Many spending programs provided highly effective stimulus during the Great Recession. Governments may use fiscal policy—additional government spending or tax cuts—to stimulate the economy during a recession period. In a deep recession and liquidity trap, fiscal policy may be more effective than monetary policy because the government can pay for new investment schemes, creating jobs directly – rather than relying on monetary policy to indirectly encourage business to invest.
ncome Tax Brackets
All Filers
District of Columbia Taxable Income Rate
$0 - $10,000 4.00%
$10,000 - $40,000 6.00%
$40,000 - $60,000 6.50%
the kinetic theory which explains the physical properties of matter in terms of the motions of its constituent particles.
Strain/Sprain: A strain is when a muscle has been pulled to its limit, while a sprain is a muscle twisted or turned excessively.
Heat Exhaustion: Exactly how it sounds like; exhaustion from heat. Basically, it's a heat illness that you may obtain after being in intense heat for a long time.
In all three areas ethnic minorities are trying to achieve some degree of autonomy or independence. In Quebec the movement is peaceful and political, and some people are now satisfied with protected language rights within the Canadian confederation while some still want independence for Quebec. In Xinjiang the Uighur minority wants independence from China; due to lack of political options the movement has used sporadic violence and terrorism to achieve its ends. Only in Chechnya has the independence movement spilled over into civil war with terrorism in other parts of Russia.