Matter cannot be created or destroyed in chemical reactions. This is the law of conservation of mass. In every chemical reaction, the same mass of matter must end up in the products as started in the reactants. Balanced chemical equations show that mass is conserved in chemical reactions.
The environment the moths lived in used to be unpolluted. This made dark moths rare. As the area where light moths were found became more polluted, the light moths became less common in the polluted/dark areas. Light Moths began to evolve after not being able to survive in dark forests, they began to get darker and blend in with the polluted area to be safe from predators.
Physarum first grows as single-celled amoebae, but the amoebae fuse, and the organism loses its 'cellular' makeup. As the organism continues to grow, nuclei divide without cell division. The resulting bag of nuclei is called a 'coenocyte' or 'plasmodium'.