The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin and is app. .005-1.5mm thick. it is made up of several different types of cells with keratinocutes being the most abundant.
The dermis is the second layer of skin and is app. .3-3.0mm thick. And basically consists of connective tissue.
Humans must decrease the harmful impact they have on earth or else the human population could go extinct forever. One way to do this is to inform the people on climate change and its effects. Recycling, using metal straws, carpooling, cleaning up beaches, pulling unncessary plugs in your house to reduce electricity usage, and doing so much more can help reduce the risk of climate change and help the world become a much healthier and stable place for humans, plants, animals, and the environment.
Sexual repro means combining genetics from parents, while asexual repro produces an offspring from only one parent.