It has been suggested that women should eat 1200 calories daily while men can eat 1500 calories as the minimum in a day. To maintain weight, women can have 1600-2400 calories daily while men 2000 to 3000 calories a day.
Unless you just died in a hospital and they bring you back to life then thats possible. but if youve been dead for a while then it is not possible
Malnutrition is not having enough of the needed nutrients (not having a good diet, eating a lot of unhealthy food but still eating) this could be from either under consumption or over consumption. While under-nutrition is when someone eats an inadequate amount of food for an extended period of time (not eating enough food in general).
<h2>Lysoso<em>mes.Lysosomes can be thought of as the waste management system of a cell. These are the organelles that break down dead cell components, food, and foreign matter, such as viruses and bacteria.</em></h2>
Evaluating your fitness level before, during, and after, shows you progress throughout the fitness program.