Hiroshima is a city southwest of Honshu, Japan. It's commonly known from World War II when an American plane dropped the first atomic bomb on the city, destroying Hiroshima.
From most of the laws i see. A dishonorable discharge is consider a felony. So i dont think people can own a firearm with a dishonorable discharge.
It's unjust to treat anyone differently for irrelevant reasons generally.
Especially when men and women work equally hard and produce the same effects it is unjust to treat them differently due to their biological differences which might even not influence their work: there is then also no good reason to treat them differently.
Popes are chosen by the College of Cardinals, the Church's most senior officials, who are appointed by the Pope and usually ordained bishops. They are summoned to a meeting at the Vatican which is followed by the Papal election - or Conclave. There are currently 203 cardinals from 69 countries.
The correct option is A “An employer will be considered in violation of the ADA if employment practices are used that discriminate against the disabled - even if the discrimination is unintended”.
In this kind of cases, the employers will have to prove that their actions were made bona fide, in order to distinguish their decision from any other illegality, but it is consider a violation of the rule anyway.