Answer: microorganisms that cause disease are referred to as pathogens, they include virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoa
A pathogen is an organism that causes disease.
Virus, example include: Adenovirus, Epstein Barr virus,mega virus, Stars coronary virus, hepatitis B virus,
Bacteria: bacillus anthracis, staphylococcus aureus, Chlamydia, Escherichia coli,compylobacter jejuni
Fitness walking. n. The aerobic sport of brisk, rhythmic, vigorous walking, intended to improve cardiovascular efficiency, strengthen the heart, control weight gain, and reduce stress.
They share family characteristics, such as praying before a meal or bed
Thanks to a blend of flour and almond milk, vegan French toast can be a thing! Thick slices of day-old bread get soaked in the mixture then seared on a pan until that all-important crust forms. You may not even miss the egg!
because don’t Know that you are making them proud, all parents are like that and no one could change that answer. It also could be that you are old enough or a teen.