Addiction does not have to do with lack of morals or weak willpower. The chemical reactions that occur in a person’s brain when they are addicted are noticeably different than the ones that occur in a person without one. That is why some people can smoke cigarettes on occasion for pleasure while others need them much more frequently in order to function.
eimrots the bored hoarder of fries and pillows
Exercising is a great way to improve your life.
Even if you’re out of shape and you don’t do any strenuous exercise, just getting your heart pumping and creating some endorphins in the body will put you in a positive mood. You’ll feel healthier in mind, body, and soul if you sweat a little.
Hello there I hope you are having an great day :) What for things are needed for an individual to be healthy? Normally would be that healthy people would do exercise and have a healthy nutritious diet and also a good night sleep. Some people say that it is healthy to take an break on the things that might stress you out and to do something in which you love doing like art and crafts or watching a movie or an tv show or going for a nice walk in the sunshine. Hopefully that helps you :)