According to the law, untreated human waste must never be dumped overboard while on inland water; it is legal to do such a thing. Untreated human waste must be stored in a reservoir. It can then be disposed at the appropriate sewage disposal point on land.
Belief bias is a conclusion where someone’s assessment of the logical strength of an argument is biased by the believability of the assumption. So for example, if you already have made up your mind that politician A is corrupt then the assertions made with no supporting evidence about politician A’s corruption is far more likely to be believed even though that belief can be wrong due to lack of evidence.
The best way to avoid belief bias when making decisions is to listen/consider the opposite view and listen to them, without being offended or getting angry.
safari could help, learnt this a few years ago, totally forgot!!
Pollen tube growth is one of the most fascinating—and essential—phenomena in the life cycle of flowering plants. After a compatible interaction between pollen grains and the stigma surface, the pollen germinates and forms the pollen tube, which grows through the stigma, style, and transmitting tract to deliver the sperm cells to the ovule."
2) Although pollens of many species germinate in simple aqueous media, stigmas do not provide satisfactory sites for the germination of most foreign pollen... Stigmas not only provide the proper conditions for the germination of pollen from their particular species, they actively inhibit the germination of pollen of many unrelated species.