c. Histidine
Histidine is a compound that is normally used for the generation of protein. Three amino acids commonly have basic side chain when the pH is neutral. The conjugate acid in histidine has a pKa of approximately 6. Based on the description of the experimental analysis provided in the statement, the right option is option c.
The magnesium dissolves to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas is released.
Mg + 2HCl -----> MgCl2 + H2(g).
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Yes, we have a problem with sending it to a landfill of copper oxide because it has harmful effect on the health of humans as well as more weight of the copper oxide. Copper oxide usually found in powder form which can easily be inhaled that causes death of the cell due to toxic effect on the mitochondria and lysosomes of the cell. It makes problem of health in carrying the copper oxide from the basement of the factory to the landfill region due to its power form so we can say that it can do problems to human health while carrying from one place to another.