Here are some things you can do to get rid of back acne:
1. Shower after a workout. Letting the sweat and dirt sit on your skin after a workout can be a big contributor to back acne. ...
2. Exfoliate. ...
3. Wear loose-fitting clothing. ...
4. Try tea tree oil. ...
5. Keep hair off your back. ...
6. Choose sunscreen carefully. ...
7. Eat healthy.
A. Rads, rems and SI units
The X-ray technician or the radiologist work in a field which allows them to study about "radiation." In relation to this, the units of<em> rad, rem</em> and<em> SI units </em>are being considered<em> units of measurements. </em>
The unit referring to absorbed radiation is known as "rad." On the other hand, "rem" means<em> roentgem equivalent man</em>. This measures the effect of the amount of radiation in low levels towards the human body. It is conventional to use the unit "rad" when measuring the radiation or by using "gray," an SI unit.
The following areas will not foster your health but will bring benefits to it:
1. Sport in nature. For example walking or jogging in nature or skiing has only benefits for your health. The sport itself has benefits for both your physical and mental health , and the nature also. This will bring inner peace and calmness.
2. Eating vegetables and fruits is always a good idea. Eating this and non fat food will provide you with vitamins and minerals that are very important for you health and body functions.
3. Not drinking alcohol and drinking much water.
4. Travelling. Travelling will open your mind, you will see other cultures, experience more from life and will be satisfied. Travelling is very important for your mental health.
5. Socializing and making friends will make you happier. And happy life is healthy life.
Yes you should increase how much you drink because you could get sick and get dehydrated.
Axons are long nerve processes which carry nerve impulses from the Soma to other neurons, they vary in length but can become almost as long as half of the human body.
The soma (body) of the neuron contains the nucleus which acts as the cell's control centre, these contain many small neurofibrils which project from the nucleus into the dendrites.
Dendrites are short, thick processes which branch out of the soma in a tree like manor. They conduct nerve impulses to the soma.
The three categories of neurons:
Afferent (Sensory) Neurons have the dendrites connected to receptors such as the eyes, ears etc. These receptors change the information they receive into electrical impulses that are transmitted to other neurons. In sensory neurons the axons are connected to other neurons.
Efferent (Motor) Neurons have the dendrites connected to other neurons, the axons are connected to effectors. Effectors are either glands or a muscle cell that is the receiving end of the nerve impulse. The nerve, when excited will cause the effector to react (move, contract, or secrete etc).
Internuncial Neurons have both the dendrites and the axons are connected to other neurons. They are sometimes referred to as connector neurons.
Internuncial neurons are found throughout the body, but especially in the spinal cord and brain.
Properties and characteristics of Neurons:
Normally the electrical impulses (messages) travel through a neuron in only one direction.
The axon may be surrounded by a 'coat' of lipids (fats) and proteins known as the myelin sheath which acts as an insulator.
Neurons are specialist cells that have lost the ability to reproduce themselves. Once the soma of a neuron has died the entire neuron dies, and can never be replaced.
Repair of damaged neurons only occurs in myelinated neurons.
white matter are coloured by myelin, consisting of many neurons supported by neuroglia.
grey matter is soma and dendrites or bundles of unmyelinated axons and neuralgia.