Jawaharlal Nehru unpacked the structure of the British colonial policy in India.
As Nehru made clear from the above excerpt that India who was a vital player in the foreign market and Britain reduced it to a mere puppet in British hands. The monopoly of the trade of the East India Company and the industrial revolution made India a market for British goods. And therefore, India was used to fulfilling the demands of colonial masters including the supply of raw material and the market for finished products. It has a devastating impact on India leading to widespread unemployment and poverty.
The british.
The colonized states were not independent yet so they had lots of rules and taxes to come by.
En la década de 1550, América española estaba gobernada como dos grandes regiones administrativas llamadas virreinatos, cada uno encabezado por un representante del rey. El virreinato de Nueva España incluyó a México, la mayor parte de América Central y territorios españoles en el Caribe.
por favor dame el mapa
this question needs more support in order to be answered.
It was a United States naval officer/ historian, also known to be a propagandist to expansion, named Alfred Thayer Mahan who wanted to expand the extent of capacity of the United States and its navy. He wrote “The Influence of Sea Power upon History”. It stated his idea that the countries with the biggest navies and greater sea power over others who could govern the world. With his principles, and knowing that US had at that time the elements of the capability to expand its greatness, he created strategies based on commerce trading and coastal defense to support the Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny states that it is the United States who was the ones who were destined to expand across North America.