Anaerobic breakdown of glucose can be called anaerobic glycolysis or fermentation.
insertion mutation
a substitution mutation only changes one thing, but an insertion mutation changes everything after the point of insertion. The insertion pushes everything back, causing a chain effect
lets say i have the sentence "I have a dog"
a substitution mutation might change it to "K have a dog", seems kinda bad, but not as bad as "K Ihav e ado g" (result of insertion of K at beginning)
Answer:The nitrogen present in the soil is not directly used by the bacteria. It can be used only when the nitrogen is converted into usable form. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, then nitrite which is then converted into nitrate. This nitrate is used by the roots of the plants like soybeans and peas. This is the role of bacteria present in the roots of the plant to convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable form that can be used by plants.
The energy pyramid describes decomposers compared to energy lost as heat. Primary producers start at 100% and it decreases to 10% at primary consumers, 1% at secondary, .1% at third level, and .01% at apex.
The biomass pyramid describes the total mass of an organism and as a biomass moves up, the overall mass is losing volume. This means it decreases as it moves from the bottom to the top.