<span>A system of cooperative federalism emerged, as the powers of the federal government expanded.</span>
Cytoplasm is the fluid that fills a cell
They wanted to punish the Persians for attacking grease
To protect government officials.
Correct answer choice is :
<h2>A) The law states that price decreases lead to greater demand and limited supply, which occur during excess demand.</h2><h2 /><h2>Explanation:</h2><h2 />
The law of demand states that conditional on all else being equal, as the price of a good increase, quantity demanded decreases; conversely, as the price of a good decrease, quantity demanded increases. The excess stock makes the price to fall and quantity demanded to rise. A reduction in supply will make an increase in the balance price and a decrease in the equilibrium amount of a good. Excess demand makes the price to rise and quantity demanded to decrease.