The idea of the us gaining all land from one seaboard to the other is called manifest destiny the us gained these lands through several different purchases, annexations, and agreements such as the annexation of texas the treaty to give the us land in oregon below the 49th parallel and so forth.
Definitely do an ombré of purple to blue. Or dye the sides of hair a pastel blue or purple. It’ll look cute either way.
The answer to this question would be b or d I’d lean toward more b
If/when chosen by the people you get a more appealing outcome.
Because... The determining factors are YOUR family, friends, and town-folk. It's the people you grew up with. So you all are aware of the same problems in your city/state and you are more than likely both thinking of the same solution. Where as, if chosen by a legislature, you have a bunch of well paid senators who may not see all the things normal people do since they work and live indoors and nowhere near the problems most of the time. They don't care for the middle to lower classes. Most just care about the rich and how to make themselves better and wealthier. It sucks to see, and even more to be living in this kind of world but it's just how it is.