These are all things that people do together, processes that happen when people interact with each other, so the correct answer is C. social processes.
They can be based on their interests, but don't have to be and they can involve conflicts, but again, not necessarily.
Eu recomendo que você procura saber mais sobre a Rita Lee, uma roqueira brasileira dos anos 60-90 que tocava em uma banda chamada “Os Mutantes” e que vendeu quase 60 millions de álbuns.
Transportation Industry
Prior to the federal government purchase of lands surrounding the swamp in 1935, for the purpose of conservation and game project. There were organizations that sought to have the construction of a swamp canal across the swamp and as well building a massive highway in the area.
Hence, the Transportation Industry is the industry that threatened the Okefenokee Swamp prior to 1957
Animals that burrow underground, such as moles, gophers or even ants, can also cause physical weathering by loosening and breaking apart rocks.
Democracy is the rule of "demos" - people. However, it is not the case that all people want the same and that people can agree on what is important. Because of this, it is important that a compromise is reached in which everyone profits a bit : otherwise emocracy could "stall" due to conflicts (which is actually often the case in governments where the ruling party has only slight majority).