So first you find 10% which is 34.5
Then you multiply 10% by 4 to get 40% which is = 138
Answer A
For ease convert both into ounces.
Gross = (11x16) + 5 = 181 ounces
Packaging = (1x16) + 15 = 31 oz.
Now subtract Packaging from Gross
181 - 31 = 150 oz.
Divide by 16 to get pounds
150/16 = 9.375 - hence 9 lb.
and multiply 16 by .375 for ounces
0.375 x 16 = 6 oz.
Thus A : 9lb 6 oz
Step-by-step explanation:
The negative linear relationship means that there is inverse relationship between two variables. It means that if the independent variable increases the dependent variable decreases and if the independent decreases the dependent variable increases. It means that due to larger values of independent variable there occurs the smaller values for dependent variable.
Unlike fractions: Fractions with different denominators are called, unlike fractions.
In case of two equivalent fractions, the product of the numerator of one fraction and denominator of the second fraction is equal to the product of the denominator of the first fraction and numerator of the second fraction.
A fraction is said to be in form if its numerator and denominator are 5. To add or subtract like fractions, we add or subtract the keeping the same.
Step-by-step explanation: