Usually the regular osteoporotic fractures are of the hip, spine, shoulder and wrist. The risk of fracturing spine and hip increases with age in both women and men.
Medical conditions like declining vision and brain function become more common as people age.
Posture well that’s what my teacher said
you will be crazy and know one may wanna be around you anymore
I can help you, First, you should ask is there any transitioning they want to do. I know some people who identify as genderfluid use a binder and when they feel comfortable to come out sometimes they want to chop off the yitties. It doesn't really change the relationship at all. They are still the same person you like/ fell in love with. Just remember to be respectful of their pronouns. Also, BEST thing to do is DO NOT out them to ANYONE. Let them do it.
I hope this helps you and if you have any more questions feel free to comment on this answer and we can talk more.