4, 3, 5, 2, 1
The process of syhthesis of protein is called trancription.
- The proces sf transcription begin with the binding of RNA polymerase enzyme with a sequence of DNA called the promoter.
- RNA polymerase allows the unwinding of DNA bases forming a stable complex.
- In the next step, a Mg2+-dependent isomerization occurs, that produces a modified form of the open- promoter complex.
- RNA polymerase has one nucleoside triphosphate binding site which helps during elongation and binds any of the four common ribonucleoside triphosphates (rNTPs).
- Then a nucleophilic attack of the 3' hydroxyl (OH) present at the first nucleotide on the a - phosphorus gorup of the second nucleotide 5' triphosphate occurs that forms the first phosphodiester bond.
Hence, the correct order is 4, 3, 5, 2, 1.
To answer this question, narrow the passage down to a cause and effect scenario, or a simple chain of events.
1. Lisa and her mom get along > 2. Lisa separates from her mother > 3. The mother works to repair their relationship
This can then be shortened to:
Lisa seeks independence > Her mother rebuilds their connection
Of the answers you listed, this most fits the "autonomy versus connection" dynamic.
They are distinct because saturated fatty acids have hydrocarbon chains connected by single bonds solely. Unsaturated fatty acids have one or more double bonds. Each double bond may be in a cis or trans configeration.
Rainwater is normally free from dangerous substances, which makes it perfect for irrigation schemes. Added significant benefit is that it decreases the requirement for fresh water. It is important particularly in regions with low water levels.
Another benefit might water harvesting have in these areas with land erosion due to runoff are as follows;
Reduces Water Shortages
In temperate areas, the strain on public water supply can become hard, even in advanced countries. Rainwater decreases the uncertainty of water shortages. Using rainwater for non-essential actions such as spraying the lawn means less pressure on the supply of safe drinking water.
Replenishes Groundwater
Extensive rainwater harvesting projects with the water collected into storage containers or tanks are important to assure a sustainable groundwater level.
Reduces soil erosion
Heavy rainfall generates erosion because some of the soil is transferred along with the passage of water. Soil erosion exhausts agricultural land of topsoil and nutrients, provides to sediment build up in waterways and, in advanced cases, can turn land inadequate for agriculture. Harvesting rain checks a great chance of soil erosion before it can originate.