The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer.
The cell membrane is primarily composed of a mix of proteins and phospholipids
Phospholipids are a major component of cell membranes. They a head and a tail. The head is hydrophilic (attracted to water) and the tail is hydrophobic (repelled by water).
They form a bilayer in which their hydrophilic heads face the aqueous cytosol and extracellular fluid while their hydrophobic tails face away from the cytosol and extracellular fluid.
The lipid bilayer is semi - permeable
Remember that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
ATP is considered energy
Protein microarrays, an emerging class of proteomic technologies, are fast becoming critical tools in biochemistry and molecular biology. Two classes of protein microarray are currently available: analytical and functional protein microarrays. Analytical protein microarrays, most antibody microarrays, have become one of the most powerful multiplexed detection technologies. Functional protein microarrays are being increasingly applied to many areas of biological discovery, including studies of protein interaction, biochemical activity, and immune responses. Great progress has been achieved in both classes of protein microarrays in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and expanded application.
11. TRUE
12. TRUE
14. TRUE
16. TRUE
17. TRUE
18. TRUE
19. TRUE
Animals can actually reproduce sexually and asexually. Animals that reproduce asexually do that through fission, fragmentation, budding, etc.
Some of the animals that reproduce asexually include planarians, sea stars, annelid worms, etc.
In the fertilization process, the male sperm cell and the female egg cell come together.
Sexual reproduction involve the fertilization of egg by the sperm. In asexual, there is no fertilization. Ferns are spore-bearing plants. They reproduce via spores but their spores are not actually blackish.