A- Gather information
B- Manage concessions
C- Manage time
D- Build the relationship
7.You and the other party have either come to an agreement on the terms, or one party has decided that the final offer is unacceptable and therefore must be walked away from. Most negotiators assume that if their best offer has been rejected, there’s nothing left to do. You made your best offer and that’s the best you can do. This represent which of the negotiation process element?
A- Gather information
B- Manage concessions
C- Manage time
D- Build the relationship
8.Assemble the information you’ve gathered in a way that supports your position. You can present facts that show what you will contribute to the organization in the future, which in turn demonstrates your value. This represent which of the negotiation process element?
A- Gather information
B- Manage concessions
C- Manage time
D- Build the relationship
The pdca cycle is a powerful approach for problem solving as it provides the foundation for teams to figure out ways to change and implement new ideas within their group setting and project or business. The PDCA stands for plan-do-check-act. In the planning stage your team will plan by determining what the problem is and what ways to fix it. In the do stage, your team will act on the ways you can solve the problem. In the check stage you are looking to check your work and see what worked and what needs to be changed. The final stage is the act stage which if you find solutions that work, implement them moving forward.
by improving quality of its products or services are as follows: ... So this budget can be reduced due to improving quality of goods.
Production involves all activities that consist of the output of goods and services demanded by people for which they pay the cost.
A company can achieve lower production costs and increase productivity by improving quality of its products or services so that budget can be reduced by correcting any quality issue in the product or service which can be expensive, but less than external failures
Also, production equipment efficiency can be increased if preventive maintenance can be followed as it helps to reduce operating costs per unit.
if the question is select multiple answers then both A and C. if it is just one answer then A.
a.is an estimate of the length of time the receivables have been outstanding.
The average collection period can be calculated as follows: 365 days in a year divided by the accounts receivable turnover ratio.
Days sales uncollected = Average Account receivable/Net sales*365
A short collection period means prompt collection and better management of receivables. A longer collection period may negatively affect the short-term debt paying ability of the business in the eyes of management.