world's largest underwater sculpture museum
If you want to checkout the new museum at Cancun, Mexico, you will have to don snorkel gear and take dive under the sea, for it's the world's largest underwater sculpture museum
Substance abuse affects and costs the individual, the family, and the community in significant, measurable ways including loss of productivity and unemployability; impairment in physical and mental health; reduced quality of life; increased crime; increased violence; abuse and neglect of children; dependence on non-familial support systems for survival; and expenses for treatment. The physical and mental health and social consequences of alcohol and other drug use by women can seriously affect their lives and those of their families (HHS/SAMHSA, 1997a). Not only are women, especially young women, beginning to close the gap between female and male consumption of alcohol and other drugs, they suffer earlier and more serious consequences. Women become intoxicated and addicted more quickly than men and develop related diseases earlier (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 1996).
Answer Explanation:
Attorneys finds it more convenient to advocate for prosecutors or the police whom are believed to be upholding law and order in the society but may find it difficult to defend a guilty person against serious charges. But it is worthy to note that the failure of these attorneys to advocate for both parties can permit the law enforcement to trample on the liberty of anyone and everyone, even those that may be innocent.
answer is A because of the war the us could not export to the countries as the other country would sink thw us ships going the the other country so if england saw a ship going to france they would destroy it or seize it or block it from entering british or france waters causing the united stes economy to plummit
The blank is going to represent temperament. hope that helped