The correct answer is the Public Company Accounting Oversity Board.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enacted in 2002. It’s purpose was to protect investors and add additional oversight for corporations after a number of companies were caught up in accounting scandals and investors lost billions of dollars.
If I was Frank I wouldn’t have disclosed the information from one company to the next, it is unethical and with an NDA information shouldn’t be passed on. Even though, it may have been an opportunity for the company he got hired and a threat to the company he disclosed the information from.
c. investment expenditures
The reason for this is that during business cycles investors gain trust in the economy during a boom and invest a lot and during a recession they lose trust in the economy and decrease their investment by a lot, where as a lot of consumption like food, medicine, petrol etc remains mostly unaffected by changes in business cycle. Also government spending does not fluctuate a lot during the course of a business cycle because government spending is either long term like development projects.
The words and conduct of the offeror.