2x + 6 = -18
x + 1 = -11
3x = -36
Step-by-step explanation:
First find the solution! Then you can create your own equations
Thus u need solutions with:
x = -12
Knowing the equation of a line as:
y = mx + b
we can can start by making y = -12 (our solution)
mx + b = -12
Now we can pick a value for m and b by adding and miltiplying on both sides
We do this to keep both sides equal.
if we make m = 2 and b = 3:
2x + mb = -12*m + 2b
2x + 6 = -24 + 6
2x + 6 = -18
Solving this we also get x = -12, as we expect.
An alternative way to think about it is to imagine that we start with a simple equation and make it more complex. We have our solution:
x = -12 => lets add a b value!
x + b = -12 + b => Lets add a slope (m)
xm + bm = -12m + bm
Giving values for this can give you multiple equation of the same solution.
General Formula:
m(x+b) = m(y+b)
mx + bm = my + bm