d. cells can neither be created or destroyed
First two statements were given by Schleiden and Schwann and the the third statement was given by Virchow.
A vector quantity has a direction and a magnitude, while a scalar has only a magnitude. You can tell if a quantity is a vector by whether or not it has a direction associated with it.
Example: Speed is a scalar quantity, but velocity is a vector that specifies both a direction as well as a magnitude.
.What industry contributes to wetland loss in Louisiana?
"The swamps and marshes of coastal Louisiana are among the Nation's most fragile and valuable wetlands, vital not only to recreational and agricultural interests but also the State's more than $1 billion per year seafood industry.What part of Louisiana is most in danger from land loss?
Dozens of reports show the highest rate of land loss occurred in areas with the heaviest amount of oil and gas extraction and canal dredging, Marshall says. According to some studies, the oil and gas industry is responsible for anywhere between 36 to 60 percent of the loss.
Finches adapt to the new conditions such as drought by changing the size, shape and depth of their beaks. Beak morphology varies according to drought conditions. Since after the drought, vegetation dries out and the hard, big, tough seeds remain, only the finches with deep beaks will survive. Finches adapt via their beaks to different foods sources and different local conditions.
They are both in the same cell