A controlled experiment is when the experimenter can change one variable in the experiment and completely change the results.
Redi experiment involved a closed jar with rotting meat on the inside. He waited for a few days and found no new forms of life in the jar.
He then did the same experiment, but this time he took the lid off the jar. After those few days he found there were maggots in the rotting meat from flies.
This is a great example of a controlled experiment, because he only had to change one variable to completely change the results. In this case that variable was just removing the lid from the jar.
Redi was trying to prove spontaneous generation with his experiment. Although, it failed.
Spontaneous generation: When life forms from non-livings.
Redi disproved spontaneous generation, but proved biogenesis.
Biogenesis: When life comes from other living beings.
He proved biogenesis because the flies had reproduced when the jar was opened.
The correct answer is option a-"oceanic lowstand".
An oceanic lowstand is defined as a geological phenomenon at which the sea level is at a low point and the continents are mostly emergent. The Earth has been on onceanic lowstands historically. This has been identified by different evidence, including the Gulf Coast rivers formation of braided channels.
I’m so sorry i need points but hope someone answers
The Organs which perform same function and looks but they are different in their structure from each other are called as analogous organs.
Organs are the structures that made up of two or more tissues organized to carry out a particular function.
An organ or bone that appears in different animals with same function is called homologous structure.
Homologous organs have similar origin n basic structure but perform different functions in different organisms. Analogous organs are different in basic structure but perform same functions.
Different animals have bones that appear very similar in form or function and seem to be related.
The arm of a human, the wing of a bird or a bat, the leg of a dog and the flipper of a dolphin or whale are homologous structures. They are different and have a different purpose, but they are similar sharing common traits.
The forelimbs of all mammals have the same basic bone structure.The structures are similar because they evolved to do the same job. For example, the wings of bats and birds.