Are you from USA or not or India
A: Anaphase
B: Prophase
C: Metaphase
D: Telophase
Peahens often choose males for the quality of their trains -- the quantity, size, and distribution of the colorful eyespots. Experiments show that offspring of males with more eyespots are bigger at birth and better at surviving in the wild than offspring of birds with fewer eyespots.
Scientific information refers to the classification, collection, dissemination, and retrieval of recorded knowledge treated both as a pure and as an applied science. The two features of a scientific information source, which may suggest that the information is not reliable are:
1. The information is based on data that are not peer-reviewed, that is, the information has not been reviewed by the experts in the field, or is not encouraged by an accord of experts in the field.
2. The references are not cited, that is, it not clear or not known that from where the information originated.