C. Most people used the reply all button
This is a problem that can occur in companies due to misuse of e-mail functionalities. What happened in this case was that the employees who responded to the HR director's request email, used the reply button to all contacts forwarded in the director's original email, which ends up creating an email chain unnecessary and can hinder and delay the work of other employees, who need to see emails related to their role.
Therefore, the essential thing is that each employee makes use of the e-mail tool effectively, responding only to the recipient of the e-mail and avoiding sending unnecessary and private messages to contacts not interested in the professional subject addressed in the e-mail.
I'm not a mathematician but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say 44%!
I will split this answer into two options...
Fiber Optic communications work by sending data through beams of light through a series of fiber cables. This allows for data transfer at incredibly high speeds and with an almost non-existent probability of data loss. Since cables need to be connected from one end-point to another this form of communication becomes more expensive and the capability of reconfiguration becomes incredibly difficult. The likelihood of failure is also very low due to the nature of the technology.
Satellite communication sends data wirelessly by beaming the data to satellites and then back down to the destination. This allows for data to be transferred worldwide but runs into the risk of interference, data loss, signal loss etc. Costs are much cheaper than Fiber Optics due to the lack of wiring. Multipoint capabilities are high since endpoints can be placed anywhere with a clear line of sight to the sky, which also means that reconfiguration capabilities are high as well.
Answer:Manufacturers produce or make products. They typically sell them to wholesalers or distributors that have expertise in getting products to retailers. Retailers then hold inventory and market the goods to consumers that purchase them for personal or family consumption.