Earning a Diploma Online
Many people who left high school years earlier find it convenient to pursue their degree online, which allows them to work at their own pace, on their own time. There are as many types of online schools to choose from as there are brick and mortar schools, and accredited online high schools offer the exact same type of diploma. This is a great choice for highly motivated, independent students.
Get a copy of your high school transcripts. Start by finding out how many credits you have and how many you still need to graduate.
Figure out what type of online school is right for you. Online learning has gained a lot of traction in recent years, making it a great option for anyone who wants to take high school courses. Whether you're a teenager still of high school age who wants an alternative experience, or you're an adult who has spent years away from the classroom, there's an online learning program out there that will suit your individual needs.
Many states offer public online high school programs that are completely tuition free. In some cases, computer equipment and internet access is also compensated.
Private online high schools often cater to particular groups of students, such as older students or those from a particular religious groups.[1] These schools normally charge tuition, but financial aid is often available.
Some colleges and universities offer online high school diploma programs. These are often geared toward students who wish to go on to enroll in the college after completing the high school program.
Find one that's accredited. It's very important to make sure the online program you choose is accredited as a high school. Programs advertised as being quick or easy aren't likely to cover the necessary subjects and provide the right kind of instruction. If you're interested in a particular program, call and ask if it's an accredited high school.[2] If it's not, your diploma won't be accepted by universities and employers.
Enroll in the program. Take the steps laid out by the program to enroll. You may need to provide a transcript from your previous high school experience, as well as standard personal information. Then you will need to sign up for courses and make a plan to fulfill the requirements of the program.
Complete the program. Online high school diploma programs are similar to traditional high schools. Your courses will be taught by teachers with the same certifications as those who teach in traditional schools. You'll be assigned papers, projects, and other homework to complete in order to receive credit for the classes you take.
Many online programs use video conferencing technology to share lectures and facilitate discussions. You'll interact with your other classmates as well as the teacher.
Some online programs also offer (or require) participation in science experiments, field trips, and other in-person events.
Many programs have a physical education requirement, which you can usually fulfill on your own time.
Receive your diploma. After you've completed the necessary coursework, passed your classes, and fulfilled all the requirements for finishing high school, you'll receive your high school diploma. The diploma will be dispensed differently depending on what program you attended.