its consiterd a disease because it can have a risk of heart attacks and it can cause your body not to function right meaning no more getting up to do things and no more seeing the sun or the birds unless you have a weel chair and its consitered a disease because you are mostlikly to die a couple years ater unless you change your way and loses weight.
i hope this helps
False, it is preferable to use disposable needles since AIDS is a permanent disease and that is spread through the contact of blood without ebargo, the needles can be sterilized in the following way since it is not feasible to clean them with chlorine for 10 to 15 seconds. It is advisable
The best way to do this is to "BOIL IT IN WATER FOR 15 MINUTES".
Other ways, such as burning the tip with a lighter or disinfecting with alcohol, iodine ... are very little recommended. The worst is to burn the tip of the needle with a lighter, because the soot tip gets dirty and then we will introduce it under the skin with the risk of infection.
30 years ago the needles and injection syringes were boiled with water with a small metal box. A flame with alcohol was used that burned and heated a little water until it was boiled.