A, Personal Values. Never do anything that may feel wrong to you, it's not worth it.
i beleive the answer is type II diabetes is usually diagnosed in childhood or young adult hood
If it occurs in the coronary arteries, the end result could be a myocardial infarction (MI) or heart attack. The third way that periodontal disease can affect systemic health is that inflammation associated with periodontal disease may stimulate a systemic inflammatory response within the body.
Explanation: https://periolinks.com/2015/09/30/how-does-periodontal-disease-affect-systemic-health-a-simple-answer-to-a-complex-question/
(This link is where I got my answer)
False. Fitness evaluations are a measure of your own physical ability that are based on scientific measurements that set specific standards. It measures both health and skill-related components of fitness that determines how efficient a person is functioning through movement or fitness. It does not demonstrate a person's athletic superiority but rather a person's dominant ability in the different fitness components. These are measured through various tests and are then recorded and kept for comparisons of your improvement or lack in performance in exercise activities.