Terminating decimals firstly are decimals that finish...
To transfer 19/25 to a decimal we have to get it out of 100.
To do this, multiply 19 by 4, and 25 by 4.
This gives you 76/100.
From here you can easily see the decimal is 0.76.
= 0.76
yes; 4² + 3² = 5²
Step-by-step explanation:
Pythagorean theorem.
In a right triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Hypotenuse is the longest side of the triangle.
4² + 3² = 5²
16 + 9 = 25
25 = 25
Here the answer LOL
Step-by-step explanation:
4 hair bow
Step-by-step explanation:
if 1/4 can make 1 hair bows you can make 4 hair bows
, it's simple 4/1=4
Given situation: The first
2 digit of the 2 different numbers is in the hundred millions place.
Then both numbers also have the same digit.
Now, which is greater. Of the two numbers?
The answer would be the same. The same because they both have the place
value of millions place and they also share the same digits.
Thus, I conclude the both different numbers have the same value.
And since they have the same value, they are equal