Quota sampling
Quota sampling: It gathers representative data from a particular group of people. In this sampling method, the data is being chosen from a particular sub-group of a population. This is considered to be more reliable as compared to other non-probability sampling methods such as snowball sampling.
Example: A researcher can take 200 males participants between the age of 18-25.
In the given question, the graph represents the quota sampling method.
Convenience sampling
In convenience sampling, the samples for the research is drawn from the population that is very easily accessible by the researchers rather than using a specific criteria.
From the description above we can see that the internet site use only its members as the samples. Since the data of the site's members is easily accessible for the site, we can consider it as convenience sampling.
Global temperatures; in the past half-century.
The graph of the global temperatures in the northern hemisphere was more or less costant until it spiked very hard in the past half-century. Therefore, it is called the "hockey stick" chart because its shape resembles a hockey stick. The original graph was made, as the exercise details, by Michael Mann and his colleagues in 1999.
The answer is<u> "Emile Durkheim".</u>
Fundamentally, Durkheim's work was about culture, and all things considered, it remains profoundly significant and essential to how sociologists ponder culture today. We attract on his commitments to enable comprehend what holds us together, and furthermore, and essentially, to enable us to comprehend the things that separation us, and how we bargain (or don't bargain) with those divisions.
Always the member with the most seniority