The answer is A I guess
I think the stored fat doesn't have any relation regarding protection against temp and climate
I found this recipe in a book called "A Woman's Book of Choices: Abortion, Menstrual Extraction, RU-486" by Rebecca Chalker and Carol Downer.
The books says to take 6-10 grams of ascorbic acid a day for 5-10
days. It says specifically ascorbic acid. Don't use vitamin C with
bioflaviniods in it, because they work to prevent miscarriage. Read the
label and check the ingredients, write down what to look for if you
think you won't remember when you get to the store. Tons of vitamin c
products are available, look for the cheap generic brands, they are
usually the ones that have pure ascorbic acid. Don't use anything that
has Rose-hips in it, they contain bio-flaveniods which help to prevent
this is not recommended though.
Structuralism is used to <u>society</u> as psychoanalysis is to treat the <u>unconscious</u>.
Structuralism is a method, which denotes elements of human philosophy, which could be implicated by way of their relationship to society. It also states that human life is not understandable except through their interrelations.
Psychoanalysis is a method to treat mental disorders. In psychoanalysis, the unconscious mind is undone, which makes a person get adapted to his inner emotions and surroundings. Study of Psychoanalysis reveals the different level of consciousness in people.
The answer is definitely 3