Answer: Okay, I'll take a look. :)
The plasma membrane, or the cell membrane, provides protection for a cell. It also provides a fixed environment inside the cell. And that membrane has several different functions. One is to transport nutrients into the cell and also to transport toxic substances out of the cell.
I'm pretty sure that its the 3rd answer
Jaundice is a symptom of cirhosis which is related to the chronic liver disease
Bilirubin is produced in the body when the hemoglobin protein in old red blood cells is broken down. Erythrocytes continuously undergo a (breaking apart) process. As the red blood cells disintegrate, the hemoglobin is degraded or broken into globin (the protein part), iron, and heme. The heme first breaks apart into biliverdin, a green pigment which is immediately reduced to bilirubin, an orange-yellow pigment. The bilirubin is then transported to the liver where it reacts with a solubilizing sugar called glucuronic acid. This more soluble form of bilirubin (conjugated) is excreted into the bile. The bile passes through the gall bladder then goes into the intestines where the bilirubin is converted into a variety of pigments.
Jaundice occurs when the diseased liver doesn't remove enough bilirubin, a blood waste product, from your blood. Cirrhosis, when in its late stages, can cause Jaundice. Cirrhosis occurs as a result of severe scarring of the liver caused by chronic liver disease. As a healthy liver tissue becomes damaged over time, it is replaced by scar tissue, which affects the structure of the liver and decreasing its ability to function.
An example of the liver is an organ.
The liver is positioned on the right side of our stomach, and is colored reddish-brown. The liver aid us to get rid of damaging substances and benefits us to keep the body natural of contamination. The liver also is treated as a gland, due to generating bile (needed to consume fats). The liver can likewise help us wipe out aged blood cells, eliminates unhealthy substances such as alcohol and narcotic types, and also serves in balancing iron and vitamins in us.